Richard Reeve
30 July 2019
Oxford Research Group (ORG) is proud to have become an institutional affiliate of the International Military Council on Climate and Security (IMCCS). ORG Chief Executive Richard Reeve has also joined the IMCCS Council.
The IMCCS is a new consortium of international organisations including the Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael), the Planetary Security Initiative, the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), and the Center for Climate and Security (CCS) in the United States, which serves as the IMCCS Secretariat. The IMCCS is co-led by Secretary General Sherri Goodman, former US Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Environmental Security), and Chair General Tom Middendorp, former Chief of Defence of the Netherlands.
The IMCCS is building a network of senior military and civil society leaders across the globe that will meet regularly, produce an annual World Climate and Security Report, drive communications and policy in support of international actions on the security implications of a changing climate, and amplify existing climate and security networks. So far, the Council has members from two dozen countries on six continents.
Building relationships with policy research institutes working on climate and security issues as well as pursuing dialogue with members of the national security community, is a priority for ORG as it develops its work on Climate Security in the UK context.
Image credit: Roman Boed/Flickr.